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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Getting Old

Yaxlich was advised by one of his friends to join MySpace. Apparently that's the cool place to be seen these days. Just like The Bell in the late Eighties except without the drunks, the fights and the lesbian barmaids.

Yaxlich duly signed up and now has a MySpace account - He doesn't know quite what to do with it but somehow he feels like he's making progress. The onset of middle age no longer afflicts him. He's a MySpaceCadet. Cool.



A term from the sixties that is Retro.

The other day someone referred to a website as being retro. Yaxlich can still remember when the internet was introduced and he struggled to connect on a 14k (state of the art) modem. It had LRF technology and everything.

Oh bugger. Maybe he is getting old after all. He has previously blogged about his eyebrows and now he sees Gem blogging about the same thing and the overwhelming feeling is that the whole eyebrow mutation = old age.

Yaxlich is going to be 37 next month.

Three score and ten. That's what he was promised.

In just over four weeks he is going to be two years the wrong side of middle aged. Two years worth of middle aged nasal hair. Two years of middle aged ear hair. Two years of middle aged gratuitous eyebrow hair hair.

The countdown is on.

Comments on "Getting Old"


Blogger Terra Shield said ... (2:32 pm) : 

Ah.. seems like the painters have visited, done their job and left... :)

PS: Terra believes that age is just a number... ;)


Blogger Yaxlich said ... (6:45 pm) : 

Terra Shield is correct. Yaxlich was feeling a little down last night. He doesn't mean that he was touching up a duck or a goose, by the way.

He hopes Terra likes the new look.


Blogger Lizza said ... (7:25 pm) : 

The new template is so clean and easy on the eyes (not to say that the last one wasn't). It's a nice change, I like it.

Saw your myspace page...nice and clean too! Too bad I already deleted my account there, or I'd sign up to be your friend #2.

Advanced happy birthday to Yaxlich! Would he like some porn cake? :-D


Blogger Yaxlich said ... (10:34 pm) : 

Yaxlich is pleased Lizza likes the new look. He felt it was time to have a site that said something about him which is why he went for this one. It's plain and simple.


Blogger Richard said ... (12:47 am) : 

Does anyone know the colour for third party?

Hmmm....sounds like a great book title - Yaxlich if you write it and make billions can I have my pant aid dollar back? :-)


Blogger Yaxlich said ... (4:55 pm) : 

Yaxlich thinks that it is orange as that is the colour the liberal democrats use in England.

Yaxlich is currently taking Damian's advice and doing nothing with his MySpace account. He might have another look at it in the future just in case he wants to be a famous rock star or something.


Blogger Jim McKee said ... (5:34 pm) : 

In the U.S., 40 is considered middle aged.

So, if you were American, you'd still have three years to go.

Of course, I've stopped worrying about that kind of crap. I'm 46, and I'm still very cool.



Blogger Freddy said ... (7:03 am) : 

37 is ancient, but happily it gets better from here.
I hven't read the eyebrows post yet, but I confess that I have to have mine trimmed these days else they would grow suficiently to cover my ever expanding forehead.


Blogger Yaxlich said ... (2:20 pm) : 

Yaxlich understands Freddy's concern over the ever expanding forehead as he has suffered from this since he was in his early twenties. In fact his forehead is now so big it's an eighthead.


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